Steve Lew
‘A’ Hall Mural
Kidlew hailz from the Land of Chorea…raized on a healthy doze of Pop Culture and Sugar Bombz with an education from the Skool of Hard Knockz. Whether rolling around the concrete jungle on a piece of wood with 4 wheelz, or riding the subwayz back in the day, the streetz alwayz prezented a frezh free canvaz to paint on everyday. Az time pazzed, Kidlew started seeing the world around him az black & white…the good & the bad…the ying & the yang…HALOZ…a way of life that everyone haz inside them. HALOZ izn’t juzt an art brand…it’z a lifestyle. So like a cat leaving it’z mark…HALOZ WUZ HERE!
Speaking of lifestyle’z…there’z the Carlton Armz Hotel…whut a better place for HALOZ to leave hiz mark. If only the wallz of thiz hotel could talk. A place where curiouzity killed a few catz…except for Charlie. Speaking with the staff, there seemz to be more storiez then any reality show could ever come up with…and be REAL! Gueztz may stay here becauze it’z inexpenzive…but little do they know that they’re part of whut makez thiz places so unique…if they only knew. Hopefully one day there will be a book about the hotel that leavez it mark everywhere….like HALOZ! – Kidlew